
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you have a question you would like to ask, please send it to questions@labtoipo.com with a subject line of FAQ Question.

FAQs for [How Do I ...]

  • How do I add to the skills taxonomy if the skill required/I have is not shown?
    The skills taxonomy allows you to propose a taxonomy 'node' under an existing 'node'. These are recorded as additions to the system and periodically reviewed for inclusion in the base network. We ask that you do a thorough search of the taxonomy and use some imagination as to what it may have been called instead of what you are proposing, before adding a new 'node' so we can simplify the process of de-duplication should that occur.
  • How do I become a Fund-Manager for an xx-DAO or the gDAO?
    This position is within the control of the xx-DAO / gDAO itself and would normally be by a ballot of the membership with an action to assign you that role. How you persuade members to vote for you is up to you, and how you get on the ballot will be up to the DAO governance processes.
  • How do I filter the reviews given for a Disclosure?
    Various filter options are available and will be extended, enabling you to remove specific reviews from the summary, or reviews that share a specific characteristic (such as email location of the reviewer). This can be used to see if there is a bias creeping into the reviews, but must be used with care as to not deliberately skew the results through a filtration bias. How you use this is up to you, justifying your selection when arguing your case with your sponsor, is also up to you.
  • How do I get onto the Core Team of a project?
    A good place to start is by signalling that you are willing to invest time in the project at an early stage, such as when you review the disclosure, as it is a requirement of a project moving forward that there is at least one business sector associate who has signalled willingness to help the project on its way. Subsequently a project will register a requirement for a particular skill set and you may be notified that you are a match and have been asked to join the project. Becoming a part of the Core Team depends upon how 'Core' you become to the project.
  • How do I post a review on a disclosure?
    As a fully qualified PAN member with AML/ KYC and Base NDA, you will see the Review Disclosures option on your menus. Select a disclosure that looks of interest and read through it, making judgements as to the value of the disclosure parts as you go through. You may well need to take a break and do some background research yourself, so the review process allows you to save a partially created but un-submitted review.

    When you are happy that you have completed your review, save the review appropriately and the Disclosure authors will be able to react to your feedback.

    If they alter the Disclosure after your review, you will be notified and can go back and see if the new data makes any difference to your review scores.
  • How do I register my skillset(s)?
    Your account settings as a PAN member gives you access to the (growing) skills taxonomy, and allows you to signal that you have expertise or interest in a particular area. As the taxonomy itself is always growing as new projects cut a new edge on the system, it may be that you find that you have skills that are required that had not been registered previously, as well as new skills you may acquire over time.
  • How do I register the skills pertinent to a project / disclosure?
    You have the opportunity to register a set of skills against a disclosure when it is created or updated that gives an idea of the skills required to understand the disclosure. This can be used to weight the responses given to the disclosure subsequently.
  • How do I see the feedback about my disclosure?
    From the first disclosure review onwards you will see the running score of the various parts of the disclosure. You are encouraged to monitor this and where a section is not scoring well it may be appropriate to reword the content such that the concerns of the reviewer are addressed more directly. They will then be notified of the change and given the opportunity to reassess your declaration.
    Where you see a red flag against a question, it means that your average review score has dropped below zero (the normal threshold value) and this will be an obstacle to your disclosure being selected for additional progression. Where you see the candlestick extending below the zero marker you have received feedback that has been negative but not sufficient to drag the average down. This is still worth looking at and rectifying if possible as it will both depress the average score and may be indicative of an issue which has resulted in lower scores throughout the disclosure.
  • How do I see the list of Disclosures to be reviewed?
    In order to see any of the disclosures, you need to undergo the full AML / KYC process and have a signed Base NDA.
    When we know who you are, and can be sure that it is you who is logged in, we can start to show you the disclosures.
    Every degree of exposure of the disclosures is logged as a part of the process of evaluating the engagement level that the disclosure is achieving. Just by looking at the title and choosing not to look at the detail, gives us a datapoint about both yourself and the disclosure.
  • How do I select which of my establishments disclosures should be taken forward?
    The final decision on this is up to you, but we can provide guidance along the way. The review scores that you get from the disclosure and validation process will give an insight into the perceptions and expectations of the reviewing business sector associates and financial / investment associates. How you slice and dice the reviews and weight the scores is up to you but again we would offer some standard guidance. Then you just choose the disclosures that have scored over your threshold.
  • How do I sign up as an Independent Investor?
    It is possible to sign up as an Independent investor if you qualify as an HNWI. Please JOIN us and then once you have registered and have access to the system contact us to become an Independent Investor.
    As such you will have the ability to assist with disclosure validation and to invest directly into projects when their Growth Token(s) (GT) are issued.
  • How do I sign up for a FREE TRIAL of the Disclosure and validation process?
    browse to url https://www.labtoipo.com/join-us and fill in the form, we will then contact you to help you into the system.

  • How do I sign up my company as a service provider partner
    This will require normal sign up and AML / KYC for someone in your organisation for them to be allowed to represent you within the platform. You will also be expected to offer favourable terms to Protégé Companies on the platform, given that you will have a much greater insight into their capabilities, potential and finances. PIPE will grant you the status of a Service Provider Partner if the criteria are met.
  • How do I sign up to see and review disclosures?
    In order to see and review disclosures you need to register on the system as a Pipe Associate Network (PAN) member and go through the steps required to authenticate your login (Set up and use a 2FA authenticator such as Google Authenticator or Twillo Authy or any other authenticator of your choice), and then go through the process of AML / KYC recognition and certification. That can take anything from 5 mins upwards depending on volumes and time of the day etc. Once you have then digitally signed the base NDA (with the digital certificate public/private key pair we have issued you), we both know it is you and who you are, so we can start to show you the disclosures made.
    All access to the disclosure material is logged (even just seeing the title) and we measure the levels of engagement, saw title, looked at detail , started review, posted review etc as a metric of the disclosure.

Your question not there?, send it to questions@labtoipo.com with a subject line of FAQ Question.